Wii Hacks


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wii Hardware Hacking

Joat is busy toning out all of the leads on the Wii's motherboard. If you are looking for any of the following tech specs, Joat is your man. He took apart his Wii and it is not going back together any time soon, so if you have any info to help him, go see him on these forums

He has already posted information on the following topics:
Wii DVD Drive Specs, Information, and Pinout
Deconstructing the Wii - Step by Step instructions on taking apart the Nintendo Wii

Also, somewhat related...
We now live in a society where every time a new electronic comes out someone has to smash it and put the video out on the internet... The Nintendo Wii is out, so it must be smashed:


Unknown said...

LiquidIce, I would like to add my site but I can't find how to contact you. My site's url is:

And the Site Name is FreeMyWii.com.

The site is coming soon but the forums are already up.


max said...

i have a chipped wii and when i connected to the internet i had an error code 300 and now i cant use it what can i do

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